Kamis, 17 Maret 2011

Research (Introduction to Educational Research)

Research is a systematic proccess of inquire and consist of 3 three elements that are problem/hypotesis/question; a data and analyzing and interpretation of a data.

- True experimental design
there is no real problem in this research. The researcher create a new problem to take a research and get find out the result that they wanted. For example there are 2 class in grade 7 (A & B) at a certain school, the two is equal in ability. The problem is "do teaching with Scarlet Letter's novel is usefull in teaching reading". The A as a control group, it means it is given that novel. The B as experimental that is not given thet novel. The researcher gives test of both after he/she using this strategi. The problem can be solve by the result, do the A is better than B or B is better than A or equal.

- Interaction Analysis
In this research, there are input negotiation comprehend and verbal though. For example the word CLAIM (a student doesn't get the point); student will give the input and thre will be a negotiation in verbal to the teacher and the teacher will do thet too; how many verbal interaction between teacher and student, do the dominat is teacher or student.

- Discourse Analysis
This research is done to find out the ideology of a people through verbal or written sources. For example from the interview of a president about Indonesia, we can find out the thought of thet president about Indonesia.

This research is done in large community and to find out how a community use for example language. the researcher devide a community with anothe community for example JOGJA AND PEKALONGAN. The two are compared in using a KROMO as their local language.

-Case Study
It's simmilar to Etnography but it's done in limited community relates to a policy.

-Action Research
Action Research is done to solve a problem and improve the manner and knowledge. Typically, it is undertaken in a school setting. It is reflective process thet allows for inquiry and discussion as components of the research. It must be done sistematically and carefully. If you are not a techer, you can't do this researh because the real person that know really know students and the problems thet occurs around them is a teacher.

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