Rabu, 16 Maret 2011

King Arthur Leaking Novel

Chapter 1: Arthur's Conception and Birth
King Uther fall in love with Igerna whom the wife of Gorlois. Gorlois is a normal guy, so he get fire and jealous of King Uther. King Uther who wants to marry Igerna, He attack Gorlois. To protect his wife, Gorlois hide Igerna for a moment when war happen, but the King Arthur masquerade to be Gorlois to get closer with Igerna. Gorlois died during battle and the King success to marry beautiful Igerna.

Chapter 2: Arthur Is Chosen King
King Uther (Arthur's father) is getting ill and held a contest (to pull out a sword from stone) to be a new king and replace him. There's many knights join this contest but there's no one did well. Arthur pull it out accidentally and he did it well. He makes everyone should believe that he did it and he is the new king of Britain.

Chapter 3: Arthur Gets the Sword Excalibur from the Lady of The Lake
After being a King, Arthur oocurs in some war. At the latest war, He found the sword is broken in two. Merlin advices him to get a new sword. He brings him into the lake. There's in the lake stays a lady named Demosal. She bring the king into the ship and shows him how to get the sword with one regulation that He must return the sword back to the lake at the sertain time after he uses it. He gets the sword.

Chapter 4: Arthur Marries Guinevere
Guinevere comes from noble family in Roman and she is the most beautiful woman around the island. King Arthur fells in love with her. Finally they get married.

Chapter 5: Arthur Kills a Giant at Mont-Saint-Michel
One day, there's a giant that kidnap a woman named Helena. King Arthur try to helps her and attack the monster at mount. After strugling each others in fight, finally the monster success to be down.

Chapter 6: Mordred's Treachery
The king should go for war, and He decides to hand the kingdom to his nephew Mordred for a while. His nephew who tempted to be a king ever after brings the false news to Britain people the his king have already died in fighting. Besides the throne, He also come in love with Guinevere and want to marry her. Knows that he is tricked by his nephew, The king back to the kingdom to clarify and attact Mordred. They come into war.

Chapter 7: Arthur's Death
Between Arthur and Mordred aggre to a piss effort. They come together with 14 knights each of them in the sea. At the effort, one of the knights violates the aggreement that kills the others knight. Finally they come into war again and Mordred's dead but the king come to be agony. Remembering of his promise to lady lake that He will return the sword after he uses it, he decides to ask Balivere to return the sword to lady lake. Merlin takes the king into lake and the king comes to died.

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