Jumat, 11 Maret 2011

Hortatory Exposition and Analyzing

Hortatory Exposition
Do you know what Trojan virus is? What is the relation between Trojan virus and computer? Well, Trojan virus is common in every computer. It is just a matter of deleting document. However, it is quite shocking when one reliable survey claims that Trojan virus is the most dangerous virus for computer.
Argument 1
The survey has made me sad, actually, because this virus is easy to infect new document. And this virus is now infecting in almost computer in Indonesia.
Argument 2
Well, I think the measures taken so far to overcome the problem by back up all the documents in the several place not only in one computer and do scanning with anti virus intensively. We have to prevent the other documents from dangerous attacking by Trojan virus.
I believe we should start to back up all the documents as soon as possible and I think that everyone should extract anti virus software and do scanning as much as possible. We must not wait until Trojan virus attack all documents.
Sample Linguistic Feature
Abstract nouns           : Trojan virus
Action verbs               : Extract
Thinking verbs           : I think
Modal verbs               : we must not
Passive voice              : The measures taken
Simple present tense : Trojan virus is common in every computer

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