Rabu, 08 Juni 2011

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Picture Used

According to Vernon, S. Gerlach and Donald P. (277):
- They are inexpensive and widely available.
- They provide common experiences for an entire group.
- The visual detail make it possible to study subject, which would turn back to be impossible.
- They can help you to prevent and correct disconcertion.
- They offer a stimulus to further study, reading and research visual evidence is power tool.
- They help to focus attention and to develop critical judgment.
- They are easily manipulated.
The Disadvantages of Pictures Used
There are some disadvantages of pictures used in teaching and learning process, such as:
- Students pay attention on the picture more than on learned material.
- It takes time and costs much to provide attractive pictures.
- Small and unclear pictures may arouse problems in the teaching learning process since the students may misunderstand about the pictures.

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