Jumat, 11 Maret 2011

Analytical Exposition and Analyzing

Analytical Exposition
Pray is important for us before begin all activities
Firstly, to begin our activities we need lucky. Of course we can lucky when we do activities if we pray before.
Another reason, in fact, if we do not pray before we do activities, the activities that we do is not blessed. It will make us enjoy living.
So, pray is very important for us before we do activities because we can get lucky and the activities that we do is blessed.
Generic Structure
Thesis                         : Pray is important for us before begin all activities
Argument                    : Paragraph 1 and 2
Reiteration                 : Paragraph 3
Sample Linguistic Feature
General nouns            : Activity
Abstract nouns           : We
Relating verbs            : Pray is very important
Action verbs               : Do activities
Thinking verbs           :-
Modal verbs               : We can
Connectives                : Firstly
Evaluatif                     : Important
Passive voice              : Activities that we do

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