Rabu, 08 Juni 2011

Types of Pictures

Types of Pictures According to Andrew Wright (1988:12) are:
- Pictures of single object
- Picture  of  person:  picture  of  famous  person,  pictures  of  several  people  and Pictures of people inaction
- Pictures of places
- Pictures from history
- Pictures with a lot of information
- Pictures of fantasies
- Pictures of the news
- Pictures of maps and symbols.
According to Betty Morgan Bowen (1973:13-31), there are some types of pictures as their shapes:
- Wall charts
- Wall pictures:  is simply a large illustration of scenes or events.  It is usually to be used with the whole of class.
- Sequence Picture is a series of pictures of a single subject it is function is tell a story or a sequence of events.
- Flash cards
à Word  Flash  cards;  card with  printed words  on  it  can  help  up  rapidly,  the cards can be used to demonstrate exactly what the teacher wishes.
àPicture Flash cards; useful for the representation of a single concept, such as an object or in action.
- Work cards
  Includes visual as well as text magazine pictures drawing maps and diagrams can be important part or work cards at all levels used for vanity of purposes.
Meanwhile,  Noor  Azlina  Yunus  (198:49) in  his  book  grouped  the  picture  into  four groups:
- Composite Picture
These are large single pictures, which show a scene (Hospital, beach, canteen, Railway station, street) in which number of people can be seen doing things
- A Picture Series
A  picture  series  is  a  number  of  related  composite  pictures  linked  to  form  a series of sequences. Hence, it is main function is to tell a story or sequence of events.
- Individual Picture
These are single pictures of objects, person or activities such pictures very in size from small newspaper pictures and can be mounted singly.
- Specialized Pictures (Posters, charts, advertisements, brochures)  Wall  posters  are  not  designed  specifically  for  teaching,  but  rather  for advertising or propaganda purposes.

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