Rabu, 08 Juni 2011

Types of Vocabulary

Nation (1990:29) has divided vocabulary in the specific reference, such a word.
- Receptive  Vocabulary:  Knowing  a  word  involves  being  able  to  recognize  it  when  it  is heard  (What  is  the sound  like?) or when  it seen  (What does  it  look like?) and  having  an  expectation  of what  grammatical  pattern  the word will occurrence. This includes being able to distinguish it from word with a similar form and being able to judge if the word form sounds right or look right.
- Productive Vocabulary: Knowing a word involves being able to pronounce the word, how  to write and  to spell  it, how  to use  it  in grammatical pattern along with  the word  in usually collocates with  it,  it also  involves not using  the word too  often  if  it  is  typically  a  low  frequency  word  and  using  it  in  a  suitable situation using the word to stand for the meaning it represents and being able to think of suitable substitutes for the word if there any.
Jo Ann Aeborsold and Mary Lee Field (1997:139) Classified Vocabulary into two terms there are:
- Active Vocabulary refers to items the learner can use appropriately in speaking or writing and  it  is also called as productive vocabulary, although,  in fact,  it  is more  difficult  to  put  into  practice.  It  means  that  to  use  the  productive vocabulary,  the students are supposed  to know how  to pronounce  it well,  they must know and be  able    to use grammar of  the  language  target,  they  are also hoped  to  familiar with collocation and understand  the connotation meaning of the words. This type is often used in speaking and writing skill.
- Passive  Vocabulary  refers  to  a  language  items  that  can  be  recognizes  and understood  in  the  context  of  reading  or  listening  and  also  called  as  receptive Vocabulary. Passive Vocabulary or comprehension consists of the words comprehended by the people, when they read and listen.

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